Wednesday, January 27, 2010

December 12, 2001

I'm taking a trip in time...a time when my life as I knew it got turned upside down...but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

It was a Wednesday night and I needed a word from God. Well, just when you think He's nowhere in sight, He shows up. I was in the prayer room gathering my wits about me and when I went into the service, there was a message in tongues being given by Bro. Jim Fontenot.

The interpretation was this:

"My daughter mark this night, for this night shall be a memorial to thy spirit."

"For I the Lord have broken your bondage and have delivered you and I have led you toward your destiny."

"Beginning today," saith the Lord, "every place that thy foot setteth will be blessed."

"I have brought you out, to take you in."

"Know ye that I am speaking to you, O daughter of Zion."

"You shall prevail and be blessed and overcome," saith the Lord.

During the next 2 years, the Lord laid 2 special Bible verses on my heart....

Ezekiel 36:9---For behold, I am for you and I will turn unto you......

Ezekiel 36:11---I will settle you after your old estates and will do better unto you than at your beginnings; and ye shall know that I am the Lord.

I'm posting this as a reminder to myself at the promises that God gave me and also as a reminder to anyone reading this that God is no respecter of persons and if He does something good for one---He is able to do it for someone else.

May God bless each one of you.

Friday, January 15, 2010

A New Beginning, A New Year

Well, here's hoping everyone has had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mine was the pits. No, really, it was. I had a 4 day weekend for Christmas and we were supposed to spend it at Disney World in Florida. Can't you see it? Magic Kingdom on Christmas day? Beautiful, ahhhh. But then reality crept in or rather came in like Hurricane Katrina did. We purchased a used mobile home and of course we had to do some remodelling. Nothing major, but enough that we couldn't leave for the weekend. Major Bummer!!! But...thank you, Lord, for a roof over my head.

Now, for the New Year......My hubby had to leave on December 30th and I was by myself in the trailer having to paint and paint and oh, did I say, PAINT. I painted just about every afternoon after I got off of work, sometimes until 10 and 11 o'clock at night.

Well, finally, he gets home after his 2 week hitch and I have a 3 day weekend. Whoopeeeeee!!!! Ya think!! Oh, No....We can't go anywhere this weekend, either!!!!!! We have to put down laminate floor throughout the trailer......ARGHHHH!!!! Again, thank you, Lord, for a roof over my head and for a husband that actually cares about the house that we live in.

Well, I think I've ranted just about enough for one day. Thanks for "listening". I hope you all have a blessed day. Love ya.